Saturday, February 21, 2009

FOUND: Halloween Photo

Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. After every Halloween, I immediately start planning costumes for the next one. Well, this past Halloween was a series of unfortunate events. It began with the onset of the flu. Despite the illness, I carried on.....spending 2 hours to prepare for my most elaborate Halloween costume to-date--Smurfette. 2 hours of smearing blue body paint ALL OVER myself. I finally made it to the party only to continue to feel more sick. With no camera of my own to capture all of the wonderful costumes and festivities, I relied on others' photos to be MySpaced and Facebooked to me in the coming days. But then I passed out in my friend's guest bedroom in the middle of the party and was later informed that my friend (who had been taking all of the photos that night) had mistakenly erased her entire memory card.

So then I was left sick, sad, and without any proof that I was indeed once Smurfette.

UNTIL NOW......when perusing through my computer files, I realized that I had captured a few shots of myself on my webcam before leaving my house.

This may not make your day, but it sure made mine!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What are you gonna do next halloween? Any ideas for me?